Bethlehem - Stars and Shepherds

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“History, scripture and astronomy help us to gain a new and better understanding of the story of Christ’s birth, including the date of his birth, the journey of the magi, that famous star, Joseph and Mary’s trip to Bethlehem, the fabled inn, the message of the angels, the nearby shepherds, the swaddling cloths, and even the manger in which the saviour was laid.”

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Dear Sis. Angela,

My family: "Mom, what do you want for Christmas?"

Me: "Thirty one minutes of your time."
Thanks for providing fascinating new insights to the familiar account of Christ's birth. After listening to "Bethlehem-Stars and Shepherds" I knew I wanted to share it with those dear to me. With our Christmas turkey dinner finished, and Gramma's trifle with Bird's custard yet to be served, my family lingered at the table. For the next half hour they listened as you took us back to that night in the little town of Bethlehem, across the sheep fields to the flock tower, and into the stable to find our Messiah, the lamb of God.

In gratitude for your compelling series of articles published in Press On, Sis.Gillian

Dear Sis Gillian,

Thank you for your kind comments!

I am delighted that this has brought you as much pleasure to read as it did for me to discover the amazing plan God put into place for the birth of his precious Son.

Thank you for taking the time to let me know because it makes the work worthwhile when I can share it.

With love,


Angela Riley

Angela retired from partnership in her law firm in 2011, where she mediated with couples leaving relationships, whether married or not and regardless of sexual orientation. Her experience has broadened her outlook and enables her to empathise with situations beyond her Christadelphian experience. She has been married for over 50 years and is proud Grangie to four grandchildren from sixteen to twenty.


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