Is God a Nationalist?

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“The idea that we know what will happen in world events is troubling, especially given Jesus’ own words that we will not know the day or hour. There’s certainly a neatness and a sense of comfort from the ideas associated with traditional prophecy interpretation, but I wonder if they may require us to think in ways that compromise Jesus and Paul’s message of universality, of an end to nationhood playing a key role in the destiny of the world.”

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Matt Mundey

Matt identifies as two parts Christian, one part Christadelphian, and one part spiritually curious. He likes Tyler Huckabee's definition of deconstruction as 'a process of re-examining the faith you grew up with', and blames/thanks his parents for his curiosity, love of language and music, and iconoclastic impulses. Despite the best efforts of the worldwide Christian church to discredit Christianity since 200 AD, he can't shake the feeling that God does exist and love is the answer. He has a healthy (in his opinion) scepticism of organised religion, denominational differences, and claimed ownership of 'truth'. Comparing religion to football, he sees how easily its true essence (the 'two pullovers for goalposts' kickabout) can be obscured and corrupted by the corporate, power-hungry influence of federations and leagues. Despite the analogy, his disinterest in football is a source of disappointment to several of his good friends. The home city teams that could have accompanied him on his life's journey so far include Bristol, Nairobi, Watford, Bournemouth and Oxford (where he lives with his amazing wife, Sophie).


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