Phoebe the Co-Worker

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"You may think that the push for women leaders as a contemporary issue, but Christian historical evidence is clear – there are many such inscriptions demonstrating that women’s ordained leadership was not secretive, something to be ashamed of, but was celebrated with reverence and honour."

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Bonus Material

In this article, Suzette references the work of Marg Mowczko. You can find her work here:

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May I offer a comment re the excellent article about Phoebe?

The context in which Paul describes Phoebe as a benefactor to many, including himself is as Paul is nearing completion of his lengthy letter to the Romans.

In the 1st century writing paper, or parchment as it was known was hand-made and very expensive.

2 Tim 4:13 lists items required by Paul and he says "especially the parchments".

Paul was an enthusiastic letter writer but writing paper was expensive!

So I would suggest that when Paul describes Phoebe as a benefactor to himself, he may have in mind her provision/financing of the parchments required for Paul to write his letter to the Romans.

Love in Jesus

JJ, Australia

Thank you JJ for your useful insight in to Paul’s letter writing and Phoebe’s possible involvement in providing funding for the parchment. We often don’t think about these practical issues in our world of instant communication and it is good to be reminded of just what Paul and his co-workers had to overcome in their effort to spread the Gospel message. It also brings to mind the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8 sitting in his chariot reading the Book of the prophet Isaiah – a  hand written scroll purchased at great expense! 

Love and God bless

Suzette x 

Suzette Thompson

Suzette is from London, UK, but has lived in Solihull, West Midlands for the last 5 years with hubbie Mike and dog, Bella! They have been renovating an old house and live in a permanent cloud of dust! She is a primary school teacher and has recently started her own business as a private tutor. In recent years, she has become more interested in gender in the Bible, particularly in early church structure and dynamics.


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