Hazel McHaffie Hazel McHaffie

To Be or Not to Be

I am in awe of the miracle of conception. From the first moment an egg is fertilised, it contains a genetic blueprint for what the completed adult will be like. How amazing is that? In a former life I worked as a midwife, and the moment of birth never lost its wonder for me. How could that little person have developed all their parts in exactly the right order and position, all unseen and without assistance?

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Carmel Page Carmel Page

Can We Talk About Jews?

“I’m asking you to re-examine your thoughts and feelings about the Jewish community. I’m asking you to be cautious of discussing Jews without defining exactly who you mean. I’m asking you to use respectful and appropriate language but my main plea is that you respond to Jews, and anyone else who is suffering, with compassion.”

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Hazel McHaffie Hazel McHaffie

Ethics, Emotions and Empathy

"For me, it could well end in a kinder and more empathetic form of Christianity – less judgemental, gentler, more forgiving, more loving and caring. All the things that pervade the whole of the gospel message brought by Jesus.”

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