Andrew McFarland Campbell Andrew McFarland Campbell

Being Christadelphian and Gay

“People hate me without having met me, and that reminds me that I love Christ, and Christ loves me, and because Christ loves me I must love other people in return.”

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Mick McNeil Mick McNeil

Love Drives Out Fear

“The essence of God is not one of fear. God is love! This is the God who wants us to call him Father. Love is perfected in us so we may have confidence in the day of judgement. So if we walk in love, this two-way relationship casts out fear.”

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Lucy Dangerfield Lucy Dangerfield

Guilt and the Next Right Thing

“Our failure is not inevitable, but if we do sin then we have no fear of being rejected by God but only joy at being forgiven. God is faithful to His promise. He forgives our sins and He purifies us from unrighteousness.”

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