Tom Gaston Tom Gaston

A Healthier View of Sex

“Sexual intercourse is a gift from God. It is a blessing that God has given to humans as the basis of strong, healthy, and intimate relationships. It is a blessing that God has created to bring joy to marriage and to give physical expression to emotional connections. There is nothing inherently sinful about sexuality or sexual desire. It is only when enacted in the wrong circumstances that sexual intercourse becomes sinful.”

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Mary Styles Mary Styles

Bands of Love

“What does our relationship with Jesus look like? What does he do for us and what does he expect from us? How does this fit with our relationship with God?”

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Rachel Launchbury Rachel Launchbury

Loving Boundaries

“If I am living in resentment, then I have crossed a boundary. I am no longer living in my life, but have moved into yours. I do not belong in your life, without first asking if you would like help. I can help you alongside. I can help you carry your boulder. I do not carry your boulder for you. It’s a subtle but hugely important difference.”

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Sarah Joiner Sarah Joiner

Love Without the Small Print

“I feared rejection. I believed that love in our community was conditional. It had small print: terms and conditions which might prove unfavorable. If people knew the true me, I’d be labelled, marginalized and rejected.”

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Corina Midgett Corina Midgett

Unexpected Places

“If we start from the premise that God exists and that He created all things, then we would expect His wisdom to permeate all aspects of life and to persist through all time. Truth is pervasive, evident, and discernible. It precedes us, surrounds us, outlives us, and reveals us.”

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Adam Byrnes Adam Byrnes

Turning Points: Jacob Awakes at Bethel

Jacob’s turning point is for you and I. Your relationship with your God cannot be through people or place. Your discipleship doesn’t have its ultimate foundations in Christadelphia. Nor being a member of your ecclesia. Nor in attendance at church activities. Nor even in being engaged in church talk about church things.

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