Norman Stock Norman Stock

The Price Jesus Paid

“He wept for those whom he loved that were suffering. He wept too, I think, for those who did not understand what he had been sent to do. But he knew – he had always known. And in these last few days he tries to prepare his disciples for what he knew was inevitable. And John passes that information on to us. Five chapters out of the 21 that make up the Gospel of John are more or less dedicated to Jesus trying to equip his followers for what was going to happen. Because he knew. He had always known.”

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Mary Styles Mary Styles

Bands of Love

“What does our relationship with Jesus look like? What does he do for us and what does he expect from us? How does this fit with our relationship with God?”

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Luke Barratt Luke Barratt

Identity, Community, Belonging

“The sociological trifecta of identity, community, and belonging defined by human connection has a profound bearing on our life…I propose that this sociological reality is highly intentional to the creative genius of our Heavenly Father. ”

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Anthony Whitehorn Anthony Whitehorn

Why I am Not a Christadelphian

Mistaking your participation in a church for your spiritual identity can impede your walk toward Jesus. He wants the best for us, and the best from us. Our church should enable that relationship.

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