Hazel McHaffie Hazel McHaffie

On Being Right

“I’ve come to a new sense of wonder. I don’t need to have all the answers. It’s ok to say, ‘I don’t know’. I don’t have to be right. The world doesn’t stop revolving if I question or doubt. And I’ve found it so liberating to accept that reality. By locking myself into a religious fortress, I had somehow shrunk God to a size I could contain and comprehend. Trusting in him despite my doubts and wonderings, opens the doors to a better appreciation of the amazingness of his grace.”

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Carmel Page Carmel Page

Can We Talk About Skin Colour?

“You might be thinking that the charge of racism doesn’t apply to you. Perhaps you are white and convinced you have never been racist. Yes, the Christadelphian community has racism in it. If you are part of the Christadelphian community you are part of racism. You are not exempt. If you do not engage in racist behaviours, if you do not have racist attitudes, but you allow racism to continue within our community, then you are complicit in racism.”

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