Carmel Page Carmel Page

Can We Talk About Change?

“Solomon states his intent: the Proverbs are designed to steer the reader away from seductive Hedonism (also presented as a woman) and towards Lady Wisdom.3 For all his destructive foolishness, Solomon is the one who most intelligently articulates the principal dilemma all humans face. Will you marry Wisdom, or be seduced to partner Hedonism?”

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Hazel McHaffie Hazel McHaffie

Through Fresh Eyes

“Jesus came to show us how God loves everyone, including the oppressed, the marginalized, and the misunderstood. And how powerfully he did so. For me, his examples the most powerful reason for looking again at how we treat women today.”

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John Pople John Pople

Mother in Israel: Deborah’s Story

“Deborah’s road to becoming a Mother in Israel has some formative steps. She is first Israel’s Judge. She will add to that role a Warrior aspect. Having tasted both regimes, she writes her Victory Song, in response to God’s liberation of His people from the Canaanites, in which she reveals her divine perception of her truest, most valuable role.”

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Alice Ogunji Alice Ogunji

Me Too

“It is high time we have these hard conversations. We cannot continue to shy away from topics relating to sexualization or domestic violence, because the truth is these situations are happening right under our noses.”

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