John Pople John Pople

Hagar: I Am Seen

“It’s a crippling thing to feel invisible. A demeaning experience. A feeling Hagar knows all too well. Hagar is an immigrant, a slave, and a concubine; she is as far outside the preferred social clique as one can be. … Hagar never stood a chance. She occupies the lowliest, least visible, layer of society. No-one sees a slave.”

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Miranda Peel Miranda Peel

Freedom From Control

“All around us in nature we see the pattern of death, burial and resurrection. Seeds die, fall to the ground and then new life occurs. It is just the same with the spiritual. The unhelpful desires must die and be buried in order for new life to grow.”

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Maggie Schlageter Maggie Schlageter

An Anchored Faith

“It's tempting to crave certainty and steadfastness in our faith, but that is not faith. God is steadfast, that is what we can be certain of. He demonstrates his certainty and steadfastness in his unrelenting, and pursuing love. The steadfast thing that we can cling to is being known and loved by God. That is what we can rest on.”

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Ali R Ali R

Cyrus the Shepherd

“Just as the Jews were unable to obtain their freedom by their own might, we are also unable to free ourselves from the captivity of death and sin by our own might too. Just as Cyrus saved the Jews from captivity and slavery; similarly Jesus saves us from the captivity and slavery of sin.”

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John Pople John Pople

Mary Magdalene: First Among Apostles

“There are more debates about Mary Magdalene than any other New Testament woman, almost undoubtedly because she developed a close personal relationship with Jesus, which prompts salacious rumours and bizarre theories to flourish.”

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John Launchbury John Launchbury

Textures of Faith

“Faith is risk. If I rely on God and he doesn’t come through, I lose everything. This is what Paul meant when he said that if there’s no resurrection of the dead then we’re to be pitied more than anyone – we are absolutely depending on God to fulfill his promise. So faith is not just risk. There’s a deep emotional element as well. Faith is willingly allowing ourselves to be vulnerable.”

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Yenn Purkis Yenn Purkis

Insights into a Trans Autistic Life

“This story is about my journey from where I was to where I am now. It focuses on autism and gender diversity, as well as difficult life experiences and discrimination. This story outlines a journey to positive self-knowledge and acceptance. I’m hoping you will find it helpful to hear about the life of someone whose brain may work very differently from yours.”

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Norman Stock Norman Stock

The Price Jesus Paid

“He wept for those whom he loved that were suffering. He wept too, I think, for those who did not understand what he had been sent to do. But he knew – he had always known. And in these last few days he tries to prepare his disciples for what he knew was inevitable. And John passes that information on to us. Five chapters out of the 21 that make up the Gospel of John are more or less dedicated to Jesus trying to equip his followers for what was going to happen. Because he knew. He had always known.”

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Stephen Cobb Stephen Cobb

Exonerating Samson

“Is this an act of foolishness by Samson? Or is it an act of faith? He gives up everything to her, but I never previously considered the possibility that he gave up everything for her. Genuine love for her, even knowing that betrayal will come.”

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John Pople John Pople

Esther: Born to Rule

“The last King of Israel was a Queen. And after all was done, the last became first.”

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Mary Styles Mary Styles

Bands of Love

“What does our relationship with Jesus look like? What does he do for us and what does he expect from us? How does this fit with our relationship with God?”

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Rachel Launchbury Rachel Launchbury

Loving Boundaries

“If I am living in resentment, then I have crossed a boundary. I am no longer living in my life, but have moved into yours. I do not belong in your life, without first asking if you would like help. I can help you alongside. I can help you carry your boulder. I do not carry your boulder for you. It’s a subtle but hugely important difference.”

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Tom Gaston Tom Gaston

The Word of God

“The Bible is actually quite unique in that it is a library of books, with many different genres, styles, and structures, from different authors, centuries, and contexts. All of that complexity and diversity is wonderful. But does that make it accessible? Does the Bible make it easy to answer life’s big questions? Does it make it easy to find moral guidance? Does it make it easy to build and strengthen your relationship with God? Or actually, does the Bible often seem to be inaccessible, irrelevant, or even, sometimes, boring?”

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Julie Trotman Julie Trotman

The Holy Spirit Angel

“Who or what is the Holy Spirit? Is it a power or a person? Was the Holy Spirit just a New Testament thing? What is the Name of the Holy Spirit that Jesus said we should be baptised into? These are all questions I had never found satisfactory answers for – until now…”

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John Pople John Pople

Wisdom’s Story

“Solomon states his intent: the Proverbs are designed to steer the reader away from seductive Hedonism (also presented as a woman) and towards Lady Wisdom.3 For all his destructive foolishness, Solomon is the one who most intelligently articulates the principal dilemma all humans face. Will you marry Wisdom, or be seduced to partner Hedonism?”

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Doug Davis Doug Davis

This Old House

“Addressing the changes we must make in our homes can be challenging, just as changes to our spiritual lives can be challenging. We first must ask why and then we must be honest about whether the renovation is justified. If we agree that it is justified, then we must sit down and count the cost as to whether or not we have the will and courage to make that change – or whether we will continue living with it as it is, because it’s not worth the price. One makes us grow, while the other maintains the status quo. Both are conscience decisions.”

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Mark Strachan Mark Strachan

The Character of God

“This dichotomy – between the character of God as revealed in the Old Testament and the character of God as revealed through His Son – has created a cognitive dissonance, which has been gnawing at me for a long time. So how do I reconcile this issue? Can I reconcile this issue?”

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Cathy Strachan Cathy Strachan

See God in Everything

“Our God creates and sustains this magnificent world. He is in everything! I want to be constantly aware of seeing Him, looking for Him, and recognising Him in all things – from the creation around me to my own, personal life.”

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Sonya Szabo Sonya Szabo

Transforming Prayers

“While so many people treat prayer to “solve” their problems, the passenger sitting beside me on the plane had a different perspective. Prayer was not just a tool to reverse a troubling circumstance – because the flight attendant's situation was not likely to be changed – but prayer was the fundamental tool he used even when he didn’t expect any answer.”

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Zazz Oosthuizen Zazz Oosthuizen

Daniel: Extravagant Providence

“This is the exhortation of Daniel in exile. He is an agent of God’s undying love and compassion for his children. Nothing can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus, and nothing could separate Israel from the love of God which was in the prophet Daniel.”

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