Asa Cox Asa Cox

Empathy Across Generations

“Our ecclesia is broken because it cannot find a way to accommodate differences, let alone embrace them. These are differences that are surfacing in ecclesias around the world: worship styles, memorial service format, gender roles, attendance levels, engagement expectations, and a lost sense of belonging.”

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Tom Gaston Tom Gaston

The Morality of Sex

“Christianity offers a deeper and richer morality of sex, that requires consideration and respect for the well-being of the other person. The precondition for sexual intercourse is not just consent, but reciprocal desire and reciprocal benefit, expressed through commitment and fidelity.”

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Jan Smith Jan Smith

Genocide in Canaan?

“By looking at the internal evidence of the Bible texts and also at the external evidence from archaeology, we see something very different from the simplistic picture of a violent conquest of the land and the annihilation of entire populations. For me, what emerges is a better understanding of the purpose of scripture, and reassurance that the God revealed through Jesus is the same as the God who revealed himself to ancient Israel.”

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Ben Topham Ben Topham

21st Century Church

“It is important to remember that our ultimate goal in renewing our ecclesias and systems is to create spaces where people can encounter God, grow in their faith, and find solace, safety, and belonging. The pursuit requires humility, open-mindedness, and a willingness to challenge conventional structures that may inadvertently create barriers to authentic worship and genuine community.”

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Stephen Cobb Stephen Cobb

As You Love Yourself

“If you are loving to your neighbor, then you should also be loving to yourself. As the original command used one to teach you how to do the other, I submit that the same logic applies. You are to use your love and acceptance of others to teach you how to love and accept yourself.”

“If you are loving to your neighbor, then you should also be loving to yourself. As the original command used one to teach you how to do the other, I submit that the same logic applies. You are to use your love and acceptance of others to teach you how to love and accept yourself.”

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Geoff Maycock Geoff Maycock

Revelation: An Inspiring Message

“The Bible’s Revelation is a book full of symbols. For many of us, those symbols seem really hard to understand so that instead of revealing the message, they obscure it.”

“The Bible’s Revelation is a book full of symbols. For many of us, those symbols seem really hard to understand so that instead of revealing the message, they obscure it.”

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Tom Gaston Tom Gaston

A Healthier View of Sex

“Sexual intercourse is a gift from God. It is a blessing that God has given to humans as the basis of strong, healthy, and intimate relationships. It is a blessing that God has created to bring joy to marriage and to give physical expression to emotional connections. There is nothing inherently sinful about sexuality or sexual desire. It is only when enacted in the wrong circumstances that sexual intercourse becomes sinful.”

“Sexual intercourse is a gift from God. It is a blessing that God has given to humans as the basis of strong, healthy, and intimate relationships. It is a blessing that God has created to bring joy to marriage and to give physical expression to emotional connections. There is nothing inherently sinful about sexuality or sexual desire. It is only when enacted in the wrong circumstances that sexual intercourse becomes sinful.”

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Maggie Schlageter Maggie Schlageter

Good News

“I soon realized the news is actually full of hope. There are stories about lifetime accomplishments of service and of love; articles focusing on advancements in medicine, education, and technology; and whole sections devoted to beauty in art, music, and creation. The news is full of hope in a better future.”

“I soon realized the news is actually full of hope. There are stories about lifetime accomplishments of service and of love; articles focusing on advancements in medicine, education, and technology; and whole sections devoted to beauty in art, music, and creation. The news is full of hope in a better future.”

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Carl Bundesen Carl Bundesen

A Spiritual GPS

“Once the dust had settled, I realised I too had drifted off course. I had distanced myself from my family, from my friends, and from my Heavenly Father in pursuit of a relationship that proved to be but a breath of wind. I needed to find that narrow path once more and to put my faith firmly back in God’s ever-loving hands. I had to place my faith back in the invisible, back in the very real sensation of God’s guidance and love.”

“Once the dust had settled, I realised I too had drifted off course. I had distanced myself from my family, from my friends, and from my Heavenly Father in pursuit of a relationship that proved to be but a breath of wind. I needed to find that narrow path once more and to put my faith firmly back in God’s ever-loving hands. I had to place my faith back in the invisible, back in the very real sensation of God’s guidance and love.”

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Karam Ram Karam Ram

The Hope of Israel

“There is a depressing predictability to what’s currently happening in the Middle-East. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth – something that Jesus warned about in the Sermon on the Mount. Israel under Roman occupation was the original context of those words. If you live like that, the whole world ends up blind and whole world ends up toothless. But how do you break the cycle of violence? (And do we wish to?) Jesus, didn’t lead a violent revolt against the Roman Empire; he didn’t attack other religions. He criticised his fellow Jews for their hypocrisy and taught his disciples to be meek, to turn the other cheek, to go the extra mile, to love their enemies, to lose their lives and take up the cross.”

“There is a depressing predictability to what’s currently happening in the Middle-East. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth – something that Jesus warned about in the Sermon on the Mount. Israel under Roman occupation was the original context of those words. If you live like that, the whole world ends up blind and whole world ends up toothless. But how do you break the cycle of violence? (And do we wish to?) Jesus, didn’t lead a violent revolt against the Roman Empire; he didn’t attack other religions. He criticised his fellow Jews for their hypocrisy and taught his disciples to be meek, to turn the other cheek, to go the extra mile, to love their enemies, to lose their lives and take up the cross.”

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Tom Gaston Tom Gaston

Hung Up on Sexual Matters?

“I think many Christians are yet to find a comfortable resolution between their theology and their sexuality, which leads to discomfort and resentment. This internal discomfort spills over into external condemnation of the sexual freedoms of others.”

“I think many Christians are yet to find a comfortable resolution between their theology and their sexuality, which leads to discomfort and resentment. This internal discomfort spills over into external condemnation of the sexual freedoms of others.”

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Corina Midgett Corina Midgett

Moments Before Stumbling

“Jesus has already decided that he, like the father in his story, wants to be in the house with all the sinners. Now he is hoping that the religious folks will join him. He knows it is a stretch. They have trained themselves to reject people, convincing themselves and each other that separation is pious and necessary.”

“Jesus has already decided that he, like the father in his story, wants to be in the house with all the sinners. Now he is hoping that the religious folks will join him. He knows it is a stretch. They have trained themselves to reject people, convincing themselves and each other that separation is pious and necessary.”

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Anthony Green Anthony Green

God’s Kingdom Within Reach

“Jesus taught us that the kingdom of God is near, close, not far away, among us, within us, and people are pressing into it. To participate in this kingdom we are called to live in a state of deeply honest and perpetual re-cognition. I believe that there is a current reality of true peace and joy that we miss out on because the subtle influence of institutionalized Christianity has shifted our focus far away from the present and, like the Pharisees, has “shut the kingdom of heaven in front of people”. Unhealthy religion refuses to live in the present; it will either push out hope into a distant future or long for traditions of the past.”

“Jesus taught us that the kingdom of God is near, close, not far away, among us, within us, and people are pressing into it. To participate in this kingdom we are called to live in a state of deeply honest and perpetual re-cognition. I believe that there is a current reality of true peace and joy that we miss out on because the subtle influence of institutionalized Christianity has shifted our focus far away from the present and, like the Pharisees, has “shut the kingdom of heaven in front of people”. Unhealthy religion refuses to live in the present; it will either push out hope into a distant future or long for traditions of the past.”

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Carmel Page Carmel Page

Can We Talk About Change?

“I want members to know what it really means to be a Christadelphian. We are a dynamic community, constantly changing, re-reading, rethinking, and adapting. The way the Christadelphian community is defined is different from actual Christadelphian practice, which now includes a diverse range of worship styles.”

“I want members to know what it really means to be a Christadelphian. We are a dynamic community, constantly changing, re-reading, rethinking, and adapting. The way the Christadelphian community is defined is different from actual Christadelphian practice, which now includes a diverse range of worship styles.”

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John Launchbury John Launchbury

Physicalism and Faith

“So I had started to wonder. Perhaps God was just an idea people made up? Maybe that’s enough for there to be some kind of meaning? But I was stuck. I still loved the scriptures with their teachings and narratives, but I didn’t know how to square them with the physicalist assumptions I had silently taken on board.”

“So I had started to wonder. Perhaps God was just an idea people made up? Maybe that’s enough for there to be some kind of meaning? But I was stuck. I still loved the scriptures with their teachings and narratives, but I didn’t know how to square them with the physicalist assumptions I had silently taken on board.”

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John Pople John Pople

Eve: Breath of Life

“Thus, we learn Eve’s help for man is described in the same way as God’s. This marries perfectly with her name: she is the Heavenly breath to Adam’s Earthly clay. In both cases the implication encoded in the Hebrew is that God introduced woman to man, not as a subordinate, but as a message from Heaven to commend (perhaps even model?) godliness.”

“Thus, we learn Eve’s help for man is described in the same way as God’s. This marries perfectly with her name: she is the Heavenly breath to Adam’s Earthly clay. In both cases the implication encoded in the Hebrew is that God introduced woman to man, not as a subordinate, but as a message from Heaven to commend (perhaps even model?) godliness.”

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Jonathan Midgett, PhD Jonathan Midgett, PhD

Rending and Mending

“Shouldn’t we be mending our nets instead of rooting out tares, rending our garments, or dividing our fellowships into smaller and smaller groups? Jesus told us to become fishers, not weeders.”

“Shouldn’t we be mending our nets instead of rooting out tares, rending our garments, or dividing our fellowships into smaller and smaller groups? Jesus told us to become fishers, not weeders.”

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Gary Davison Gary Davison

Taking Back Christmas

“Whilst so many suffer, the simple hope of Christmas is for a fairer world full of peace and justice. This on its own should encourage us all to tell this story far and wide, free of fear that it contains anything which would offend our God.”

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