Jennifer Wubbels Jennifer Wubbels

Living Praise

“I think this is one of the main reasons why it feels so natural for praise and worship to flow through music. When we need to express the inexpressible, to elevate with beauty, and to release what can no longer be contained, we often turn to music.”

-Aletheia Burney

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Jennifer Wubbels Jennifer Wubbels

Love Drives Out Fear

“The essence of God is not one of fear. God is love! This is the God who wants us to call him Father. Love is perfected in us so we may have confidence in the day of judgement. So if we walk in love, this two-way relationship casts out fear.”

-Mick McNeil

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Lucy Dangerfield Lucy Dangerfield

Guilt and the Next Right Thing

“Our failure is not inevitable, but if we do sin then we have no fear of being rejected by God but only joy at being forgiven. God is faithful to His promise. He forgives our sins and He purifies us from unrighteousness.”

-Lucy Dangerfield

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John Launchbury John Launchbury

Sin and the Poverty of Law

“We are going to see that the force of sin is so powerful that lawmaking is ineffectual before it. If all we have are rules and laws, we are doomed. Salvation will require more than a religion based on rules.”

- John Launchbury

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Adam Byrnes Adam Byrnes

Turning Points: Finding Your Identity

“Just like Moses, your calling, your discipleship is not ‘marching orders’. It’s not a series of duties to perform. Like Moses, your call is one to developing your identity in God. It’s a call to relationship, to pause at the highest good that there is and commit yourself to it.”

-Adam Byrnes

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Adam Byrnes Adam Byrnes

Turning Points: You Will Make It

"So Peter becomes a study in discipleship. Your discipleship. Despite your own equivalent of denying Jesus, despite guilt, despite shame, it’s resolved in Jesus." - Adam Byrnes

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Suzette Thompson Suzette Thompson

Phoebe the Co-Worker

"You may think that the push for women leaders as a contemporary issue, but Christian historical evidence is clear – there are many such inscriptions demonstrating that women’s ordained leadership was not secretive, something to be ashamed of, but was celebrated with reverence and honour." - Suzette Thompson

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John Launchbury John Launchbury

The Pharisee Fallacy

"Here we have Jesus zeroing in on the Pharisee fallacy: the mechanisms of rules have become elevated over any original purpose those rules may have had, and even negate those purposes. He calls this hypocrisy.” - John Launchbury

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Hazel McHaffie Hazel McHaffie

Ethics, Empathy, Emotions

"For me, it could well end in a kinder and more empathetic form of Christianity – less judgemental, gentler, more forgiving, more loving and caring. All the things that pervade the whole of the gospel message brought by Jesus.” - Hazel McHaffie

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Karam Ram Karam Ram

Beyond Religion

"Wouldn’t it be ironic if we ourselves were excluded from God’s approval only to find that some ordinary Joe whose life had broken down and had come to God in a state of desperation was actually more acceptable to God than we were? Wouldn’t that be ironic?"

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