Editorial team


Rachel Launchbury


Rachel lives in Oregon, on the west coast of USA, in the small town of Lake Oswego with hubby and two cats. She enjoys being outdoors, walking & spinning, reading, and perusing her cookbook collection. She’s been known to knit occasionally, and definitely spends far too long in museums. And much to her surprise, she is now a F1 fan. She values quality time with family and friends, and everyday traditions like afternoon teatime. She reads her bible through the lens of a social worker.

As an avid list-maker, she finds reaching small & large goals incredibly rewarding. Press On is one such goal. Being involved in this project is one of her favorite jobs so far, but not as amazing as being a part-time granny-nanny to her two grandsons!


Maggie Schlageter


Maggie Schlageter resides in Orange, NJ with her husband José. She enjoys running, singing, creating and spending time outside. Her favorite place is anywhere with her sisters.

Maggie grew up in the heart of the Finger Lakes in western NY, surrounded by lush bodies of water, fruit forward wines and driven, faithful women. And as a result best relates to God through His stunning creation, witnessing the Fruit of the Spirit in action and the powerful example of His disciples.

Through her participation in Press On, Maggie hopes that all of its readers and contributors find inspiration on their walk of Faith.


John Launchbury


John likes to ask questions — of himself and others. He likes to know how things work, what makes people tick, and how to make things better. He seeks to discover insight and meaning. And he is not shy to push the boundaries of possibility.

John has long been passionate about studying the scriptures, especially in understanding the practical essence of Christ's message. Meditation has also become an important part of John’s spiritual life. He has come to see that contemplative practices have been under-appreciated by western Christianity even though they are reflective of many passages in scripture. He is attending a local Seminary and working towards a Masters in Theological Studies.

John is a scientist entrepreneur. He was a professor in computer science, and since has founded three companies. He also spent a few years running AI and cyber security research for DARPA. That said, John is a homebody and family man at his core, and his favorite part of the week is playing with his grandsons. He also enjoys rowing his scull, playing his 5-string bass, and sipping the occasional single malt.


Jen Wubbels


Jen lives in Ameliasburg, Ontario with her husband, Chris, and two daughters, India and Imogen.

In her spare time she practices handstands, photography, and enjoys everyday adventures with her girls.

She values personal growth, relationships, and finding beauty in all of life’s experiences.

Her hope for Press On is that through sharing different perspectives, studies, and life experiences, we can discover more paths for connection and transformation.


Chris Wubbels


Chris was born to American parents while they were living outside their home country. He subsequently spent half his childhood living immersed in a country, culture, and language that were distinctly different than his "home".

This experience has left him with a lifelong sense of not-quite-belonging—the awareness that things can be done differently. The sense that values can be arbitrary, and should be adopted based on their merit, not their familiarity.

The most durable effect of not-quite-belonging has been gravitation toward others who don't-quite-belong. There is often a set of values shared among those who find themselves on the edges.

People are often in this place of not-quite-belonging when they discover that they're unsure of their place in their church, but still inspired by the idealism of faith. Moving in that circle of believers is what has brought Chris to work on Press On.