Mary Styles Mary Styles

Bands of Love

“What does our relationship with Jesus look like? What does he do for us and what does he expect from us? How does this fit with our relationship with God?”

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Mark Strachan Mark Strachan

The Character of God

“This dichotomy – between the character of God as revealed in the Old Testament and the character of God as revealed through His Son – has created a cognitive dissonance, which has been gnawing at me for a long time. So how do I reconcile this issue? Can I reconcile this issue?”

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Cathy Strachan Cathy Strachan

See God in Everything

“Our God creates and sustains this magnificent world. He is in everything! I want to be constantly aware of seeing Him, looking for Him, and recognising Him in all things – from the creation around me to my own, personal life.”

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Sonya Szabo Sonya Szabo

Transforming Prayers

“While so many people treat prayer to “solve” their problems, the passenger sitting beside me on the plane had a different perspective. Prayer was not just a tool to reverse a troubling circumstance – because the flight attendant's situation was not likely to be changed – but prayer was the fundamental tool he used even when he didn’t expect any answer.”

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Elise Molinaro Elise Molinaro

Take a Breath

“God is in the stillness – if we listen enough and enter the quiet spaces to hear him. And it’s not about finding God. It’s about finding the peace within ourselves that allows us to see that he is, and will always be, there. It’s about letting go. Letting go of our need to control our lives. Letting go of the “productivity” mindset that has been ingrained in us for as long as we can remember. Letting go and learning that it’s okay to… breathe.”

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Adam Byrnes Adam Byrnes

Turning Points: Jacob Awakes at Bethel

Jacob’s turning point is for you and I. Your relationship with your God cannot be through people or place. Your discipleship doesn’t have its ultimate foundations in Christadelphia. Nor being a member of your ecclesia. Nor in attendance at church activities. Nor even in being engaged in church talk about church things.

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