Confirmation Bias

“This biased favouring of information is true in all aspects of our lives including our study and interpretation of scripture. When presented with new views, evidence or information, we selectively interpret it so that our preconceptions aren't challenged and remain intact.”

Hilary Moss

Hilary is a teacher of children aged 13 -16, and has two of her own. She teaches with the philosophy:

“They may forget what you said but they will never forget how you made them feel.”

Which is reassuring, because she’s often known to talk rubbish! Just ask her family.

She’d like to apply this same philosophy in church life more, too. Jesus had a real ‘way’ with people - always seeking to understand them first, then to be understood. The latter’s far more likely if we spend a bit more time on the former. After all, there are many different roads to the same destination…


Overcoming Evil With Good: Reflections on the War in Ukraine


A New Look at Corinthians