Consider the Lilies

“God takes the time to create such beauty in the fleeting life of a flower, here today and gone tomorrow…and so, we can trust that He will take the time to care for us and provide us with all we need, as He has promised. He’s given us the common flowers of the field both to enjoy for their beauty, and to remind us of His undying love for His creation.”

Liz O'Toole

Liz is an avid horticulturist, florist and all-round nature lover who lives in Sydney with Andrew, and is a member of West Ryde. Now empty nesters, she loves any time she gets to spend with their 4 adult daughters.

She enjoys playing the piano and flute, and is an occasional composer of spiritual songs some of which have found their way into the two Worship books.

She is passionate about the call of Jesus being relevant and accessible for young people in our community in the 21st Century.


Growth Through Doubt


The God of Widows: Tamar’s Story