Our Post-Pandemic Ecclesial Meetings

“We are at a critical juncture in our history with much opportunity but also much danger. As a community, we can easily find our fellowship reduced to, or possibly exposed as a loosely affiliated, fractured group of believers if we don’t prayerfully manage this post-pandemic transition period in our history.”

Dale Andrews

My physical journey has taken me from Guyana where I grew up, through various ecclesias in Southern Ontario before we settled in Ottawa. My wife, Rhoda, and I have been blessed with three teenaged children and as such we are constantly reminded at least 3 times daily of how little we know of these modern times. I continue to be led in my spiritual journey and am even more aware of my shortcomings - O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death? I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Why Are We Struggling to Stay Engaged?


Why I am Not a Christadelphian