Genocide in Canaan?

“By looking at the internal evidence of the Bible texts and also at the external evidence from archaeology, we see something very different from the simplistic picture of a violent conquest of the land and the annihilation of entire populations. For me, what emerges is a better understanding of the purpose of scripture, and reassurance that the God revealed through Jesus is the same as the God who revealed himself to ancient Israel.”

Jan Smith

Jan lives in Hampshire, in the south of England, and is a church member at Newbury.  She has always loved history, and trained as an archivist at the Bodleian Library in Oxford.  During her career she curated collections of historical manuscripts, and particularly enjoyed supporting public engagement, research, exhibitions and publications.  

Now retired, she enjoys having time to combine her love of manuscripts with an even greater enthusiasm for biblical studies.   Understanding Bible texts within their historical and cultural context has deepened her faith and  appreciation of the variety of ways in which God has engaged with his people over the centuries — as he still does.

Her best holidays usually involved coastal sailing, often in the eastern Mediterranean.  Nearer home, she enjoys the countryside, her garden and sharing her brother’s children, grandchildren and dogs whenever possible.


The Morality of Sex


21st Century Church