Good News

“I soon realized the news is actually full of hope. There are stories about lifetime accomplishments of service and of love; articles focusing on advancements in medicine, education, and technology; and whole sections devoted to beauty in art, music, and creation. The news is full of hope in a better future.”

Maggie Schlageter

Maggie Schlageter resides in Orange, NJ with her husband José. She enjoys running, singing, creating and spending time outside. Her favorite place is anywhere with her sisters. 

Maggie grew up in the heart of the Finger Lakes in western NY, surrounded by lush bodies of water, fruit forward wines and driven, faithful women. And as a result best relates to God through His stunning creation, witnessing the Fruit of the Spirit in action and the powerful example of His disciples. 

Through her participation in Press On, Maggie hopes that all of its readers and contributors find inspiration on their walk of Faith.


A Healthier View of Sex


A Spiritual GPS