The Breath of Life

“These thoughts encourage me to practice conscious, present-focused living, being mindful of God each day and communicating with Him and with His Son. Focussing on the breath helps me to stay in the present moment, rather than ruminating about the past and becoming depressed, or starting to worry about the future and increasing anxiety.”

-Mary Styles

Mary Styles

I am a wife, a mom, and a grandmother and work as a mental health therapist. I am also a Bible believer. The last of these informs all of the other roles and helps me to fill them in a better way. I am thankful to have God and Jesus in my life and hope that in some small way I can reflect their compassion and love to those around me. I enjoy sharing what I have learned with others and am deeply grateful for what I learn from the people in my life.


Turning Points: Jacob Awakes at Bethel


Living Praise