The Climate Emergency - by Tom Gaston

“This decade is critical if greater catastrophe is to be avoided for ourselves and for our children and grandchildren. So in one way or another, our lives are going to change significantly, and we need to be prepared to face those challenges. As a community we need to start talking about the climate emergency.” - Tom Gaston

Tom Gaston

Tom has a doctorate in Theology from the University of Oxford and has published in academic journals on bibical theology and early Christianity. He has published several books, including Historical Issues in the Book of Daniel, Founding a Faith, and Dynamic Monarchianism: The Earliest Christology. 

He currently works in the publishing industry, focused on impact analysis. 

Tom was raised in a Christadelphian family and was baptised at 16. He has been active as a speaker and writer within the community ever since. 

He lives with his family in Oxford, UK.


Identity, Community, Belonging - by Luke Barratt


On Being Right - by Hazel McHaffie