The Word of God

“The Bible is actually quite unique in that it is a library of books, with many different genres, styles, and structures, from different authors, centuries, and contexts. All of that complexity and diversity is wonderful. But does that make it accessible? Does the Bible make it easy to answer life’s big questions? Does it make it easy to find moral guidance? Does it make it easy to build and strengthen your relationship with God? Or actually, does the Bible often seem to be inaccessible, irrelevant, or even, sometimes, boring?”

Tom Gaston

Tom has a doctorate in Theology from the University of Oxford and has published in academic journals on bibical theology and early Christianity. He has published several books, including Historical Issues in the Book of Daniel, Founding a Faith, and Dynamic Monarchianism: The Earliest Christology. 

He currently works in the publishing industry, focused on impact analysis. 

Tom was raised in a Christadelphian family and was baptised at 16. He has been active as a speaker and writer within the community ever since. 

He lives with his family in Oxford, UK.


Esther: Born to Rule


The Holy Spirit Angel