This Old House

“Addressing the changes we must make in our homes can be challenging, just as changes to our spiritual lives can be challenging. We first must ask why and then we must be honest about whether the renovation is justified. If we agree that it is justified, then we must sit down and count the cost as to whether or not we have the will and courage to make that change – or whether we will continue living with it as it is, because its not worth the price. One makes us grow, while the other maintains the status quo. Both are conscience decisions.”

Doug Davis

I was born and raised in Ontario, Canada. I am blessed to be the husband to my wonderful wife, Ingrid and a father to three beautiful children, Ben, Rebecca, and Joshua and their spouses, Abi and Nick. I love cooking and entertaining friends at home, travelling, working with my hands, and learning new things. I have read and studied the bible for over forty years and, for the past few years, have experienced a spiritual renewal in which I am more curious about God and His plan, the teachings of Jesus, and the type of person I want to be with them and you.

Ingrid and I are members of the Picton Ecclesia, and we appreciate the healthy vision established here to make our church more vibrant, inclusive, and loving. As a group, we enjoy sharing our hope, vision, and the things we hold dear.


See God in Everything


The Character of God