Adam Ifill Adam Ifill

Growth Through Doubt

“Doubt is a normal reaction for all of us. Thinking of the examples of Christ doubting helps bring us to the realization that the question is not if we should doubt - but how can we use doubt for spiritual growth?”

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Liz O'Toole Liz O'Toole

Consider the Lilies

“God takes the time to create such beauty in the fleeting life of a flower, here today and gone tomorrow…and so, we can trust that He will take the time to care for us and provide us with all we need, as He has promised. He’s given us the common flowers of the field both to enjoy for their beauty, and to remind us of His undying love for His creation.”

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John Pople John Pople

The God of Widows: Tamar’s Story

“From Tamar’s tragic tale grows our introduction to the gospel of hope. Once widowed, God becomes our God, and we experience the freedom to seek a new and better groom.”

“From Tamar’s tragic tale grows our introduction to the gospel of hope. Once widowed, God becomes our God, and we experience the freedom to seek a new and better groom.”

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Corina Midgett Corina Midgett

Unexpected Places

“If we start from the premise that God exists and that He created all things, then we would expect His wisdom to permeate all aspects of life and to persist through all time. Truth is pervasive, evident, and discernible. It precedes us, surrounds us, outlives us, and reveals us.”

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Zazz Oosthuizen Zazz Oosthuizen

Holy Living: A Kingdom of Priests

“Our role as priests has already commenced. We are a holy priesthood already—not we will be in the future. And so we should follow the example of our leader, our great high priest, the Lord Jesus Christ.”

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Catherine Sinclair Catherine Sinclair

Thinking About Our Words

“Is it possible that sometimes the language we use, model and teach is creating stumbling blocks for ourselves and our membership?”

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Hazel McHaffie Hazel McHaffie

Through Fresh Eyes

“Jesus came to show us how God loves everyone, including the oppressed, the marginalized, and the misunderstood. And how powerfully he did so. For me, his example is the most powerful reason for looking again at how we treat women today.”

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Andrew McFarland Campbell Andrew McFarland Campbell

Being Christadelphian and Gay

“People hate me without having met me, and that reminds me that I love Christ, and Christ loves me, and because Christ loves me I must love other people in return.”

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John Launchbury John Launchbury

The Awakening

“Adam and Eve were just like us. They had a susceptibility to temptation, to selfishness, and to rebellion against God. But they were ignorant of their situation. They thought they were rich in their communion with God. But actually they had no idea how far they were from being one with the divine spirit. And so God set about waking them up from their stupor.”

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John Pople John Pople

Serpent Slayer: Jael’s Story

“Jael had neither training, nor even warning, of the destiny that was so suddenly thrust upon her. For her to react in the moment as she did — equaling the deeds of the Man after God’s Own Heart! — reveals a remarkable combination of audacious opportunism and steely nerve, all founded on a rock-solid faith.”

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Luke Barratt Luke Barratt

Identity, Community, Belonging - by Luke Barratt

“The sociological trifecta of identity, community, and belonging defined by human connection has a profound bearing on our life…I propose that this sociological reality is highly intentional to the creative genius of our Heavenly Father. ”

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Tom Gaston Tom Gaston

The Climate Emergency - by Tom Gaston

“This decade is critical if greater catastrophe is to be avoided for ourselves and for our children and grandchildren. So in one way or another, our lives are going to change significantly, and we need to be prepared to face those challenges. As a community we need to start talking about the climate emergency.” - Tom Gaston

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Hazel McHaffie Hazel McHaffie

On Being Right - by Hazel McHaffie

“I’ve come to a new sense of wonder. I don’t need to have all the answers. It’s ok to say, ‘I don’t know’. I don’t have to be right. The world doesn’t stop revolving if I question or doubt. And I’ve found it so liberating to accept that reality. By locking myself into a religious fortress, I had somehow shrunk God to a size I could contain and comprehend. Trusting in him despite my doubts and wonderings, opens the doors to a better appreciation of the amazingness of his grace.”

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John Pople John Pople

Mother in Israel: Deborah’s Story - by John Pople

“Deborah’s road to becoming a Mother in Israel has some formative steps. She is first Israel’s Judge. She will add to that role a Warrior aspect. Having tasted both regimes, she writes her Victory Song, in response to God’s liberation of His people from the Canaanites, in which she reveals her divine perception of her truest, most valuable role.” - John Pople

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Carmel Page Carmel Page

Can We Talk About Skin Colour? - Carmel Page

“If you are part of the Christadelphian community you are part of racism. You are not exempt. If you do not engage in racist behaviours, if you do not have racist attitudes, but you allow racism to continue within our community, then you are complicit in racism.” - Carmel Page

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Wendy Johnsen Wendy Johnsen

Cooperation: In Our Genes?

“I myself am compelled by evidence for cooperation in evolution since it can help us to infer a relational God as the source of a creative evolutionary process. Perhaps what we know about God can help us to see his fingerprints in the natural world elucidated by science.” - Wendy Johnsen

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Angela Riley Angela Riley

Bethlehem - Stars and Shepherds

“History, scripture and astronomy help us to gain a new and better understanding of the story of Christ’s birth, including the date of his birth, the journey of the magi, that famous star, Joseph and Mary’s trip to Bethlehem, the fabled inn, the message of the angels, the nearby shepherds, the swaddling cloths, and even the manger in which the saviour was laid.” - Angela Riley

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Alice Ogunji Alice Ogunji

Me Too

“It is high time we have these hard conversations. We cannot continue to shy away from topics relating to sexualization or domestic violence, because the truth is these situations are happening right under our noses.”

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Tom Gaston Tom Gaston

God and the Environment - Stewardship

“I want to start a conversation within our community about the environment and about the climate emergency. We need to start thinking seriously about how we face the challenges that lie ahead and how we understand our role in protecting the environment.”

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